Customer Quotes
„Of course, I know that some units in our group use UI-Path and other commercially available but expensive software robotics platforms. Nevertheless, we chose BotsWork. At first, we were skeptical. But the BotsWork team went the extra mile and implemented an initial solution for us that automates SAP reports without any obligation. The fast implementation of a previously non-existent SAP framework bot, as well as the low development and licensing costs during the implementation of the first use cases convinced us in the end. When implementing further BotsWork-based automation solutions and maintaining the existing bots, we save external costs because these tasks have been taken over by our own Windows developers. The familiarization with BotsWork documentation and personal training was quick and easy. The support for open questions is free of charge and runs very efficiently.” (Thomas Heimke, SIEMENS Large Drive Applications LDA)
„In our field of work, there are a lot of repetitive activities on the PC that can be automated to relieve the employees. When we heard about the possibilities of BotsWork, we immediately thought about having one of the topics implemented on a trial basis. Without any obligation for us, the BotsWork team went ahead with the implementation of the partial automation of our export control check and convinced us with its solution. The automation has now been in productive use for many months to the satisfaction of the individual employees. We use this solution for about 900 processes per week. In addition to saving time and costs, we ensure standardized processing without incorrect entries and relieve our employees of monotonous work steps. Further automation of our processes will follow. We are very satisfied with the implementation of this solution and can only recommend the use of BotsWork for recurring work.” (Michael Freitag, SIEMENS GP SPT SEM SCSA)
„For many years, we prepared our auction catalogs manually. This was always associated with a lot of stress – errors also crept in during this monotonous work. Since BotsWork has taken this tedious work off our hands, the labor-intensive time before auctions has eased considerably for us. For each item, we create images and enter the corresponding descriptive texts via our auction program. BotsWork generates the finished catalog in a few minutes, as if by magic, with the help of the “Excel” and “Publisher” applications. In the meantime, BotsWork even supports the cropping of images and recently we have also recognized an optimization potential in the email dispatch. Due to the enormous savings in time, money and nerves, we can no longer imagine our processes without BotsWork!” (Christian Wrede, Münchener Auktionshaus)
„Initially, we just wanted a solution to simplify our document management in the quotation process. Based on many template files, a new project folder was to be created automatically. Subsequently, the Office files contained should be described with project-specific parameters. We had already made several attempts to do this, but were not satisfied with any of the previous solutions. Only the BotsWork approach was able to meet our requirements. In the meantime, we particularly appreciate the broad applicability and flexible adaptability to the respective task. Therefore, we have started to recommend the approach to others as well.” (Armin Moosburger, SIEMENS Energy, Docu-Management)
„BotsWork automates! The task was clear – to transfer weekly schedule activities from our project management tool to a web-based Kanban board for further processing. However, no common interfaces existed and the Kanban tool in use was often revised. Manual processing quickly led to increased workload. The BotsWork team nevertheless managed to accomplish this task. With BotsWork, Kanban cards are now created, as well as existing cards are checked and adjusted. All automatically!” (Thomas Bolzmann, SIEMENS Energy, Project Scheduling)
„Thanks to Rupert Maier and his BotsWork team. Already a first use case shows that this tool is a smart approach for engineering teams to increase their productivity in the field of repetitive data handling.“ (Joern Krause Siemens Energy, Solutions)
„We have already automated processes with UIPath in the past, before we got to know the BotsWork platform. In the meantime, our first use case has been implemented with BotsWork. Here, we automate the creation of reports from our web-based resource management system. BotsWork then analyzes the created reports and sends them – depending on the analysis result – fully automatically to the respective resource managers. This reduces the time required by our colleagues by several hours each month. The fast implementability by our own developers convinced us and we are currently in the process of automating further processes with BotsWork.” (Gunner Wiesensee, Siemens Mobility, Project Execution Center)
“Based on our production planning and supply situation, we derive information on the quantities of purchased parts we expect to need. These forecasts form a basis for ensuring the supply of materials to our factory and serve our purchasing department and our suppliers as a basis for negotiations and long-term partnerships. The cyclical determination of these values used to involve a great deal of manual effort. By automating the processes with BotsWork, the effort required to create the forecasts has been reduced to a minimum. In addition, we were able to close sources of error that arose due to many manual interventions.” (Dominik Hartl, Siemens Plant, Order Management HVDC Projects)
“The cooperation with the BotsWork team worked very well. The arrangements regarding the necessary adjustments to our requirements were uncomplicated and, above all, possible quickly – the implementation of the changes was also quick and to our satisfaction.” (Matthias Rath, SIEMENS Energy, Docu-Management)
“Many thanks to the BotsWork team. Together with BotsWork and other project partners, we carried out a joint EU-funded project to support additive manufacturing with a suitable decision system. This decision system was implemented based on the Knowledge Graph Library of BotsWork. For us it was very advantageous that we could easily integrate the resulting system into our own 3D data processing software. It was not necessary to use the BotsWork runtime. Just implementing and integrating the decision software showed us the power and flexibility of this platform.” (Ismo Makela Descartes Oy., 3D Printing Software, Finnland)
“We were looking for a suitable solution to automate the monthly evaluation of receivables management. Our choice quickly fell on BotsWork. The platform is inexpensive, offers simple, intuitive operation and is therefore highly recommended. Of particular note was Rupert Maier’s first class support and helpfulness during the development of the application. The communication was very personal and courteous. He was always available as a contact person and answered every question quickly and in detail. This meant that the application could be developed quickly and smoothly and integrated into everyday business. (Siemens AG, regional organization Germany Smart Infrastructure, Rüdiger Schnatz, Head of Order Management; Gundhild Emilius, Process Excellence; Sabrina Wagner, student)